What to Eat And When

OK….. so asking someone to put down that lovely slice of pizza and tuck into this dry over cooked boiled egg isn’t going to go down well, but once you change your habits and start to see food as fuel for your body it is much easier to do. This however doesn’t mean that on the rare occasion you attack your fridge and cupboards and it literally goes off that is a disaster.

In the next blog we will explore carbs in more detail as it is one of those areas where all of us can get overwhelmed, good/ bad/ complex… the list goes on and frankly it gets stupid.

I am a firm believer that if you fuel your body in relation to the day or week you have ahead you are more likely to get results, as opposed to a strict diet or eating the same boring things every day. Neither are sustainable long term and we all crack eventually!

One thing that makes me laugh and I hear so often is the person who has eaten minimal that day, had a hectic work schedule and then smashes a double espresso and goes hard in the gym for two hours, only to then find themselves on their day off on the sofa chilling, eating everything they can get their hands on. What about if you made a simple adjustment and reversed that habit? Could you have still ate some decent food, not starved yourself and at the same time allowed your body to use it and actually perform better?

If your body does not have enough calories to sustain the amount of activity that day, it will then use protein deposits for energy. On the flip side remember your body only uses the calories it requires, the rest gets stored as fat, therefore choosing the day that you do the LEAST to eat the MOST what do you think your body will do with that? STORE , STORE and STORE some more.

Trust me I am not saying that on the days you have a mega session…… (30 Minute Workouts obviously) you order the whole KFC bucket menu, but just have a little think about it. Your about to have a really early start, busy day at work and tough workout, would your body be grateful for a decent fuelling when it needs it? Of course it would and you will probably find that your performance on those days improves and you do not gain any weight.

There is no way that I am saying I don’t have those days on the sofa where you enjoy your treats, but make sure that when your body needs it the most, fuel it. We need to stop eating just for the sake of EATING, and instead FUEL our bodies with what it needs and that’s where you will start to see a change. Remember to starve your body of anything can only result in a negative once you decide to eat that food again.

Listen we must ALL enjoy life to its fullest and this whole COVID situation makes you realise how precious it is. Its just about making those real simple changes that you can maintain and understand why your giving your body certain things.

For me I try my best to do this as much as possible, and yes I do sometimes fail but I know I can get away with way more food in my body on the days I am active than the days I rest.

I remember hearing from some of the big muscle heads in the gym that if you want to grow you need to eat more on your days off and that made so much sense. They require stupid amounts of food to grow their muscles but unless your looking to enter Mr or Mrs universe just fuel your body as it needs it.

After your workouts think to yourself, does my body require a massive plate of CARBS now given I have already burnt off my calories for the day? Or can I mix this plate with some better foods to give my body what it really needs to restore and repair, and perhaps the carbs should have been consumed before the workout to be used as fuel.

In all honesty just ask yourself what does my body need for the level of activity I will be doing today and I promise you will make more good than bad choices. I am no GURU or master of fitness but would like to think for someone who is 41 years old I have a pretty decent balance on food, life and enjoyment!!!! YES I AM 41 and if you want to know my secrets…… (NIVEA BODY LOTION) LOL

NOW I’M OFF TO SMASH OUT A DOMINOS, KEBAB , BURGER AND TUB OF ICE CREAM….. also forgot to say i’m chilling on the sofa all day!!!!! LOL only joking!!!


Abed Hijazi