The Truth About Diets

So as I take the big step into the world of Blogging I asked myself if I was looking for information would I appreciate a straight to the point, no messing , honest approach….. Answer…. YES!!!

So here it is…..

I have never believed that any diets or new eating fads ever served any purpose other then short term gain. This is always followed by long term downfall, and inevitably you end up in a worse place than when you started. Now….. a diet and a lifestyle change are two completely different things with the latter usually resulting in long term results.

To say your ‘'on a diet’ usually means you are forcing yourself to limit, and often remove completely the things out of your life that you enjoy, eventually you will break…. and when you do…. OMG it’s a complete meltdown and you end up swiftly back in bad habits and usually bigger and more unhappy than you was before.

Life is here to enjoy and incorporating a different lifestyle change where you are genuinely happy with the balance, will usually prove long term and most importantly put a smile on your face in the process.

I myself love all the things that aren’t considered great for the body but am conscious of my decisions and understand that having cake every day, or a bottle of wine every night will never make any sense when trying to keep fit and healthy. There is nothing wrong with limiting your body as long as you know there are those days where you let your hair down (NOT THAT I HAVE ANY) and enjoy yourself.

The amount of people who I have met who request strict diets plans when all it has taken is a little look at their eating schedule to see that actually everyday is a cheat meal day, or grabbing a quick pint or glass of wine in the evening is standard, it’s crazy.

Listen….. we are all human beings and asking us to live a horrible, miserable, restricted life’s doesn’t make any sense at all. It is however extremely easy to take a quick look at your current lifestyle and ask yourself honestly…. do my good days out way my bad???

I remember saying to a client once that one bad meal doesn’t make you fat, neither does one healthy meal make you skinny. This did not go down very well at first, but once it sunk in made complete sense. Use your weekends for treats and enjoying that bottle of wine or entire chocolate cake but you need to also make sure you are staying truthful to yourself Monday - Friday, 5pm LOL!

If you can combine a better lifestyle change with some form of exercise…. OBVIOUSLY ABS 30 MINUTE WORKOUTS you will see the benefits long term and honestly find yourself enjoying life more.

I always find it funny when people say….. life is too short… you only live once!!! I say tell me anything you know longer then life, and surely living a healthier and longer life is better?

Make small achievable changes to your life where you understand the difference between a healthy lifestyle and bad choices. I promise you will find yourself happier and in a far better place than you was before you stuffed the 24th profiterole in your mouth with that bottle of wine on a Monday night…….. 😂😂

Please comment below and let me know your thoughts. You are more than welcome to disagree with me or tell me i’m a genius.